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Technical Consultant CardioVascular Informatics (CVI)

In this role, you have the opportunity to work in a fast-growing, dynamic international company at the forefront of healthcare IT and technology. As a new Technical Consultant, you will be part of a team that delivers advanced medical informatics solutions to hospitals and your focus is on cardiology. In this role, you have the unique opportunity to become a recognized expert and make a significant contribution by helping our customers become more successful and competent.

Location: Bratislava - Galvaniho Street. Home office on Mondays and Fridays.

Contract type: permanent or freelance

Start date: by arrangement

Salary: from 2.500€, but we are completely open to discussion

Bratislavský kraj
IT Consultant
from 2500€

Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti

Installed Base Support:

- Carry out software updates, migrations & field change orders

- Provide ongoing technical support to customers and HIT systems during the contract term, continuously track open problems of assigned customers, answer queries about the operation and maintenance of the installed HIT system and provide support in the preparation and implementation of upcoming service reviews.

- Provide advice to the Remote Support Center on questions regarding the installed system and support in solving problems on site.

- Advise and support project managers/client service managers and customers in the design of system adjustments or system extensions

- Plan and carry out service calls, system updates, upgrades and smaller projects within the framework of the installed base (this can include the following: checking order information, coordinating the delivery of hardware and software, scheduling, resource planning, updating documentation, installation and acceptance by the customer)

- If necessary, use extensive product knowledge to solve problems, in escalations, as part of product change requests & new product introductions in direct cooperation with customer care, centers of expertise, BIUs and suppliers, as well as organize and carry out technical training and/or exchange of experience within the framework of the product being supported. Training and coaching of colleagues within the scope of the product being supported

Project implementation:

- Install and configure healthcare IT (HIT) systems in collaboration with customers and 3rd party suppliers, carry out functional tests on the installed systems, integrate them into systems already available to the customer and ensure compatibility of the systems (network, infrastructure, SW distribution, DICOM, HL7 basis)

- Develop solutions for customer-internal technical problems related to the project

Explain project solutions developed by the Philips team to the customer, escalate differing customer ideas to the project manager or sales promoter

- Instruct customers on the technical specifications, handling and administration of the installed HIT systems. Carry out user acceptance tests in collaboration with the clinical consultant

- Create technical project documentation

- Hand over the HIT system to the respective remote support center (explanation of the

installed systems and integration concepts, as well as handover of the technical documentation)

Sales support:

- Pre-configuration, installation and system integration of pilot boxes and demo systems.

- Supporting sales promoters with system selection, logistics and, if necessary, customer presentations of the systems.

- Answering customer or dealer inquiries about the expansion, renewal and maintenance of the installed HIT system and, if necessary, making suggestions for the sales organization regarding offers or contract extensions

- Advising and supporting customers, sales promoters and project managers in the development and documentation of technical system solutions for HIT solutions (e.g. assisting in the creation of service descriptions / Statement of Work), if necessary, developing technical documentation templates for installation documentation, customer offers, tenders, technical concepts and presentations.

Predpoklady a zručnosti osobnosti

Prerequisites and personality skills:

Bachelor or Master degree in medical technology, electrical engineering, medical informatics, information technology or comparable training

Very good knowledge of Windows client, server and network systems (installation, configuration, troubleshooting)

Nice to have - knowledge of clinical IT transfer protocols (e.g.: DICOM, Health Level 7, Internet protocols such as SMTP, HTTP, etc.), basic knowledge of IHE is an advantage

Knowledge of databases (MS SQL Server)

Very good knowledge of client / server and storage hardware and architectures

Good knowledge of analysis and troubleshooting tools

Experience in dealing with customers in the healthcare sector, e.g. experience in service and project business.

Good internal and external communication, committed and reliable demeanor,

Fluent in written and spoken English, German is an advantage

O spoločnosti

Electro-technical company founded in Holland with a strong international presence.

Mám záujem o pozíciu

Zadajte vaše meno.
Zadajte vaše priezvisko
Zadajte e-mail v správnom formáte.
Zadajte platné telefonné čislo.
Priložte životopis.
Súhlas je potrebný.

Týmto udeľujem súhlas so spracúvaním mojich osobných údajov uvedených v žiadosti o prijatie do zamestnania, v profesijnom životopise, osobnom dotazníku, osobných údajov získaných z kontaktného formulára na webstránke spoločnosti a osobných údajov získaných pri pohovore v spoločnosti Grain Slovakia s. r. o. podľa Z. č. 18/2018 Z. z. o ochrane osobných údajov (ďalej len „Z.č. 18/2018 Z. z.“) spoločnosti Grain Slovakia s. r. o. na účely sprostredkovania zamestnania. Súhlas je možné kedykoľvek písomne odvolať, inak súhlas zanikne po uplynutí 3 rokov odo dňa jeho udelenia a údaje budú anonymizované a ďalej využívané výlučne na štatistické účely. Zároveň beriem na vedomie, že práva dotknutej osoby sú upravené v § 59 a nasl. zákona č. 18/2018 Z. z. Týmto prehlasujem, že podmienkam spracovania mojich osobných údajov som plne porozumel a súhlas udeľujem vedome, dobrovoľne a bez výhrad.

Súhlas je potrebný.
Grain – Ján Záhradník
Ján Záhradník
Delivery & Operations Manager