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Scrum Master - Digital Banking

  • Contract: permanent employment
  • Location: Bratislava (occasionally Vienna)
  • Deployment: hybrid regime
  • Salary: 2800 - 4000€/gross

Bratislavský kraj
Scrum, IT Management
od 2800€

Arbeitsinhalt, Befugnisse und Verantwortlichkeiten

You are a Maestro, creating masterpieces by guiding a group of individuals to create something no-one could have created alone. As a Scrum Master, you are a servant as much as you are a saviour, creating successful teams with strong skills in self-organisation and a drive for continuous improvement. You are a facilitator and coach, a conflict navigator and mentor, a teacher and quite possibly, a tap-dancer. But you also take responsibility seriously, especially supporting a Product Owner with respect to refining and maintaining the product backlog.

Join us in our agile environment and make banking simple, intelligent and personal again!

We like you because

  • You are starting your day with an open and curious mind, but ready for a challenge
  • Of daring to be disruptive and being someone who has thrown the word „failure" out of the window long ago
  • Of your ability to actively listen and cherish a good mood in your team
  • You remember that you’re here to make your team better, and better in all senses
  • Of expressing your values and opinions in fluent English

Zusätzliche Leistungen, Vorteile

  • We work hard, but in a relaxed, open and friendly environment
  • We provide everything you need to work (e.g., MacBook Pro, mobile device, licenses) and lots of additional benefits
  • We care for your personal well-being and a career development while actively supporting your educational needs
  • We communicate and collaborate with a variety of tools including Slack, Confluence and JIRA
  • We encourage regular conference visits and multiple chances to shine with George
  • We feed you with free coffee, sweets & fruits, and provide table soccer and table tennis so that you don’t sit the whole day
  • New Work is not just another buzz word to us. We proactively adapt to the ever-changing work environment of today
  • Working from home, virtual office, working while riding a bike. What ever and how ever you do your best work to make the team and product shine, is fine by us. 

Voraussetzungen und Persönlichkeitskompetenz

  • A nicely framed Scrum Master certification and at least 3 years’ experience as a Scrum Master with a software development team that was applying Scrum principles, practices, and theory
  • Experience with cross-functional teams delivering software solutions.
  • Knowledge of best practices that help the team to reach a sprint goal (like retrospective action items, burn-down or burn-up charts)
  • Competences with various Agile and Lean approaches; LeSS and OKRs are a must.
  • Ability to hold effective daily scrums, as well as utilize best practices from paradigms that complement Scrum, like BDD, TDD, DevOps, Pair Programming and Agile Gamification
  • A JIRA master, or at least on your journey to becoming one

Über die Firma

International technology company.

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Lebenslauf beifügen.
Die Zustimmung ist erforderlich.

Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass meine im Antrag auf Zulassung zur Beschäftigung enthaltenen personenbezogenen Daten, mein Lebenslauf, mein persönlicher Fragebogen, die über das Kontaktformular auf der Website des Unternehmens erhaltenen personenbezogenen Daten und die während des Interviews mit Grain Slovakia p. r. über. laut gesetz nr. 18/2018 Coll. zum Datenschutz („Gesetz Nr. 18/2018 Slg.“) gegenüber Grain Slovakia p. r. o. Zum Zwecke der Arbeitsvermittlung. Die Einwilligung kann jederzeit schriftlich widerrufen werden, andernfalls ist sie nach 3 Jahren ab dem Datum ihrer Einwilligung abgelaufen und die Daten werden anonymisiert und nur zu statistischen Zwecken weiterverwendet. Ich nehme auch zur Kenntnis, dass die Rechte der betroffenen Person in §§ 59 ff. Geregelt sind. des Gesetzes Nr. 18/2018 Coll. Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich die Bedingungen für die Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten voll und ganz verstehe und wissentlich, freiwillig und ohne Vorbehalt zustimme.

Die Zustimmung ist erforderlich.
Grain – Jessica Miklovičová
Jessica Miklovičová
IT Recruiting - Fachberater